- | 257.48 KB | 2015-06-03
bossel.halbzeit-energiewende.2015.pdf | 127.31 KB | 2015-06-01
cesr.20jahre.program.pdf | 367.07 KB | 2014-06-05
cesr.programm.26.06.2014.pdf | 457.73 KB | 2014-06-24
figueres-molina-alcamo.climate-neutrality.pdf | 82.85 KB | 2015-06-15
cesr-symposium.2009.pdf | 503.03 KB | 2009-09-03
CESR Symposium_2009_Baerlund.ppt | 7.22 MB | 2009-10-19
CESR Symposium_2009_Ernst.pdf | 1.27 MB | 2009-10-19
CESR Symposium_2009_Gutscher.pdf | 1.36 MB | 2009-10-19
CESR Symposium_2009_Lange.ppt | 10.61 MB | 2009-10-19
CESR Symposium_2009_Priess.ppt | 7.39 MB | 2009-10-19
CESR Symposium_2009_Schaldach.ppt | 3.91 MB | 2009-10-19
bundestagshearing.pdf | 281.3 KB | 2003-01-20
festschrift_helmut_krauch_80.pdf | 12.44 MB | 2009-09-29
kenntnisstandsbericht.pdf | 462.14 KB | 2003-01-20
krauch75.pdf | 61.81 KB | 2003-01-20
molecular_modelling.pdf | 2.01 MB | 2003-02-17
studiengruppe.pdf | 216.85 KB | 2003-01-20
ueberblicksbericht.pdf | 493.5 KB | 2003-01-20
6.global_models.pdf | 175.73 KB | 1998-10-15
formix.toeb97.pdf | 2.6 MB | 1997-07-24
irri_map_docu.pdf | 1.79 MB | 1999-04-14
irri_map_docu_update_june99.pdf | 38.79 KB | 1999-09-10
kyoto-reader.pdf | 691.24 KB | 1997-11-26
fg_grp.tgz | 195.04 KB | 2001-11-22
frame.pdf | 47.05 KB | 2001-11-22
phd_sl_frame_fg_small.pdf | 63.63 KB | 2001-11-22
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phd_sl_frame_fg_sort2_small.pdf | 64.86 KB | 2001-11-22
paraguay_abc.pdf | 32.41 KB | 2001-11-22
paraguay_pft.pdf | 41.62 KB | 2001-11-22
frame.pdf | 30.23 KB | 2001-11-22
phd_sl_frame_sabah_small.pdf | 52.63 KB | 2001-11-22
phd_sl_frame_sabah_sort_small.pdf | 51.95 KB | 2001-11-22
sabah_grp.tgz | 108.58 KB | 2001-11-22
frame.pdf | 32.24 KB | 2001-11-22
phd_sl_frame_ven_small.pdf | 32.23 KB | 2001-11-22
phd_sl_frame_ven_sort_small.pdf | 32.27 KB | 2001-11-22
ven_grp.tgz | 68.98 KB | 2001-11-22
airclim.progress.a00.01.pdf | 2.02 MB | 2000-03-07
airclim.progress.a99.01.pdf | 614.36 KB | 1999-05-18
airclim.summary_report_complete.pdf | 1.57 MB | 2002-02-27
airclim.uncertainty_report_complete.pdf | 661.59 KB | 2002-02-27
droughts_and_food_in_russia.pdf | 1.18 MB | 2004-07-13
emissions-rechte.pdf | 4.26 MB | 2004-08-05
emission_rights_summary.pdf | 288.41 KB | 2004-08-26
Ouagadougou.pdf | 146.59 KB | 2008-08-21
rglass.draft_2003-02-13.pdf | 2.92 MB | 2003-02-12
rglass.draft_2003-02-13_without_cover.pdf | 2.3 MB | 2003-02-27
rglass.draft_2003-02-13_with_cover.pdf | 2.92 MB | 2003-02-12
rglass.moscow_13-02-03.pps | 4.15 MB | 2003-02-12
rglass.moscow_30-09-03.pps | 4.61 MB | 2003-12-11
rglass.summary.pdf | 1.47 MB | 2003-03-24
rglass.summary_draft_2003-02-13.pdf | 99.74 KB | 2003-02-12
rglass_final_en_2003-03-24.pdf | 1.9 MB | 2003-10-16
rglass_final_ru_2003-03-26.pdf | 5.23 MB | 2003-10-16
stabilisierungsziele.uba.deutsch.pdf | 1.47 MB | 2000-07-06
stabilization_taregts.uba.english.pdf | 1.42 MB | 2000-07-06
watergap.appendix.pdf | 1.16 MB | 1997-10-08
watergap.teil1.pdf | 260.21 KB | 1997-10-08
worldwater.thehague.poster.pdf | 1.9 MB | 2000-03-16
worldwater.thehague.presentation.pdf | 17.53 MB | 2000-03-17
ernst_kompetentes_handeln.pdf | 213.93 KB | 2007-05-10
ernst_kuhn_wasser_.pdf | 205.13 KB | 2006-12-10
Ernst_Oekologisch_Soziale_Dilemmata.pdf | 674.1 KB | 2007-06-06
Holzhauer-Krebs-Ernst_ESSA2009.pdf | 668.33 KB | 2009-08-27
Koeckler_DGS_2006.pdf | 177.93 KB | 2008-08-12
Krebs_Elbers_Ernst-Modelling-the-Social-and-Economic-Dimensions.pdf | 847.22 KB | 2007-12-28
Krebs_Ernst-Interplay_Social_ Orientation_Conformity_Neighbourhood_Support.pdf | 158.45 KB | 2010-08-16
krebs_et_al_essa2007_.pdf | 310.22 KB | 2007-06-27
menzel_etal_cw_helsinki07.pdf | 187.19 KB | 2007-11-07
ppr-water-princeton.pdf | 63.25 KB | 2009-01-28
Schneider_Ernst_ESSA.pdf | 211.9 KB | 2009-02-05
schwarz-ernst_using-empirical-data_surrey2006.pdf | 424.65 KB | 2007-05-09
schwarz_ernst_esee2007_s.pdf | 129.36 KB | 2007-06-27
SNAMAS2011_HolzhauerKrebsErnst.pdf | 424.54 KB | 2011-04-13
SNAMAS2011_SpatialNetworks_SH_110405.pdf | 1.31 MB | 2011-04-13
Kassel World Water Series
kwws.1.pdf | 2.23 MB | 2001-05-29
kwws.2.pdf | 1.88 MB | 2000-02-29
kwws.3.waves.pdf | 9.16 MB | 2000-10-12
kwws.4.pdf | 658.89 KB | 2001-06-12
kwws.6.pdf | 4.27 MB | 2003-05-14
ew_0_contents.pdf | 25.64 KB | 2002-01-14
ew_1_introduction.pdf | 66.31 KB | 2001-12-11
ew_2_watergap.pdf | 1.68 MB | 2001-12-11
ew_3_performance.pdf | 6.95 MB | 2001-12-11
ew_4_baselinea.pdf | 4.06 MB | 2001-12-11
ew_5_waterstress.pdf | 14.5 MB | 2001-12-11
ew_6_floods.pdf | 14.95 MB | 2001-12-11
ew_7_droughts.pdf | 16.58 MB | 2001-12-11
ew_8_hydropower.pdf | 14.51 MB | 2001-12-11
ew_9_conclusions.pdf | 2.99 MB | 2001-12-11
reinhard.ftp.tar.gz | 14.66 MB | 2002-06-13
reinhard.public_html.tar.gz | 448.96 KB | 2002-06-13
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ZOO | 468.33 KB | 2007-09-08
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koch_publish_twoside.pdf | 24.39 MB | 2010-07-19
Dissertation_Mimler.pdf | 29.95 MB | 2007-11-08
1_kqa.pdf | 200.34 KB | 2005-10-21
2_VanderSluijsetal.RiskAnalysis2005.pdf | 146.84 KB | 2005-05-09
3_Janssen_et_al_2005.pdf | 129.36 KB | 2005-11-10
4_VanderSluijs2005.pdf | 73.17 KB | 2005-11-10
5_Risbeyetal2005_emas.pdf | 188.95 KB | 2005-08-22
6_CrayeEtAl_IJRAM2005.pdf | 191.27 KB | 2005-06-07
detailedguidance.pdf | 1.12 MB | 2005-12-12
Guidance_MC_QS-Q.pdf | 187.43 KB | 2005-12-12
Guidance_QS-HA.pdf | 317.1 KB | 2005-12-12
toolcatalogue.pdf | 1.45 MB | 2005-12-12
Vol_1_UncertaintyGuidanceQuickScan.pdf | 187.43 KB | 2004-08-11
Vol_2_UncertaintyGuidanceHintsandactions.pdf | 317.1 KB | 2004-08-11
Vol_3_UncertaintyGuidanceDetailedGuidance.pdf | 1.12 MB | 2003-10-29
Vol_4_UncertaintyGuidanceToolCat.pdf | 1.51 MB | 2004-08-10
- | 13.04 MB | 2005-11-11
SYSTEM ZOO Simulation Models
The ZOO archive contains English language versions of all computer simulation models (total of 119) discussed in detail in three publications:
H. Bossel 2007: System Zoo 1 Simulation Models – Elementary Systems, Physics, Engineering. Books on Demand, Norderstedt, 184 p. (ISBN 978-3-8334-8422-3)
H. Bossel 2007: System Zoo 2 Simulation Models – Climate, Ecosystems, Resources. Books on Demand, Norderstedt, 204 p. (ISBN 978-3-8334-8423-0)
H. Bossel 2007: System Zoo 3 Simulation Models – Economy, Society, Development. Books on Demand, Norderstedt, 276 p. (ISBN 978-3-8334-8424-7)
Running the models requires the Vensim PLE software which is available for free download and use for educational purposes from Ventana Systems, Inc. Four models use the DEDUC software which is included in the ZOO MDL archive.
For detailed descriptions of all models, representative results, exercises and references refer to the books above.
The German language edition of all System Zoo models is available on CD: H. Bossel 2006: Systemzoo CD. CoTec Verlag, Rosenheim, Germany.
German language descriptions of all System Zoo models:
H. Bossel 2004: Systemzoo 1 – Elementarsysteme, Technik und Physik. Books on Demand, Norderstedt, 204 p. (ISBN 3-8334-1239-9)
H. Bossel 2004: Systemzoo 2 – Klima, Ökosysteme und Ressourcen. Books on Demand, Norderstedt, 236 p. (ISBN 3-8334-1240-2)
H. Bossel 2004: Systemzoo 3 – Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Entwicklung. Books on Demand, Norderstedt, 308 p. (ISBN 3-8334-1241-0)
DEDUC – Knowledge Processing System
Processing factual knowledge in the sense of deriving conclusions from existing knowledge: These conclusions are used to derive further conclusions, until all possible implications have been derived (impact analysis). Factual knowledge is stored in the 'knowledge module'.
Assessing impacts with respect to value criteria (orientors): Knowledge about orientors and their relationships to potential impact variables is stored in the 'orientor module'. The results of the impact analysis can be transferred into the corresponding orientor module in order to assess what the impacts mean for system development (impact assessment).
The archive contains all program and knowledgebase files for H. Bossel: Systemzoo 3 - Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Entwicklung (BoD 2004).
Full documentation of the DEDUC system and its application to knowledge processing is found in two German books:
K.F. Müller-Reissmann: Wissensverarbeitung mit DEDUC - Handbuch für den Benutzer. Vieweg Verlag, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden (West Germany) 1989
H. Bossel, B. Hornung, K.F. Müller-Reissmann: Wissensdynamik - Wirkungsanalyse, Folgenabschätzung und Folgenbewertung mit DEDUC-Wissensverarbeitung. Vieweg Verlag, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden (West Germany) 1989.
(C) Copyright 1989 by Eduard Pestel Institute for Systems Research (ISP), Hannover (F.R.Germany) and Environmental Systems Research Group, University of Kassel (F.R.Germany)